教育背景 2011.09-2016.06,华东理工大学,化学工程,博士
工作经历 2023.01—至今,华东理工大学,化工学院,副教授
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 编委、《中国塑料》期刊青年编委
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于不同CO2亲和性的添加剂设计聚氯乙烯配方体系及其超临界CO2微孔连续挤出发泡行为调控,2024-2027,50万.
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,调控超临界CO2发泡聚合物过程中溶解扩散行为的复合添加剂设计及其协同作用机制,2018-2020,25万.
3. 上海市东方英才计划青年项目,2023,20万
4. 上海市自然科学基金,超临界CO2发泡制备低密度PBAT珠粒绿色过程的强化机制和方法,2020-2023,20万.
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费科技基础建设专项,轻量化化工新材料,2020-2021,40万.
6. 华东理工大学“双一流”引导专项师资队伍建设专项科研经费,2020-2022,50万.
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年探索基金,碳氢表面活性剂构建高内相CO2/水乳液的作用机制,2017-2019,16万.
8. 化学工程联合国家重点实验室开放基金,2022,20万.
9. 中国石化,可降解聚酯PBXT工业技术开发和示范应用,2021-2023.
10. 上海石化,PET挤出发泡研究开发,2021-2022.
11. 山东京博,聚烯烃材料发泡工艺开发,2021-2025.
12. 贵州乌江,超临界发泡工艺技术研究,2023-2024.
13. 苏州申赛,超临界二氧化碳模压发泡新产品开发,2021-2024.
14. 超临界流体发泡制备弹性体发泡材料和可降解发泡材料,2021-2022.
15. 绿色轻量化聚合物材料产业化技术开发,2024-2026
16. 超临界射出发泡之材料及性能提升开发,2024-2026
1. Xiulu Gao, Huan Qian, Jiaqi Wang, Yuxuan Hong, Yichong Chen, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Self-reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composite with excellent mechanical properties, heat resistance and sustainable recycling. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2025, 297, 112342.
2. Shaolong Wei, Jie Yuan, Xiulu Gao, Yichong Chen, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Preparation of anti-shrinkage branched poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene terephthalate)/cellulose nanocrystal foam with excellent degradability and thermal insulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2025, 296, 139793.
3. Jie Yuan, Kun Xue, Yichong Chen, Xiulu Gao, Naixiang Li, Xiaohu Pan, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Green fabrication of ultralight and shrink-resistant biodegradable poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/poly (butylene succinate) foam using supercritical CO2 with ultrafast degradation. European Polymer Journal, 2025, 223, 113639.
4. Chenyang Niu, Xiulu Gao, Yichong Chen, Weizhen Sun, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Supercritical CO2 foaming and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane based on molecular structure. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2025, 219, 106541.
5. Jie Yuan, Xiulu Gao, Yichong Chen, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Green Fabrication of Biobased and Degradable Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(butylene succinate) Open-Cell Foams for Highly Efficient Oil–Water Separation with Ultrafast Degradation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12(50):18101-18113.
6. Zheng Gong, Yichong Chen, Jie Yuan, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Shape Memory Temperature-Tunable Poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/Polylactic Acid Foams Prepared by Supercritical CO2 Foaming. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12(32):12064-12075.
7. Shaolong Wei, Jianghao Xie, Jiaming Zhang, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Green preparation of poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene terephthalate) foam with tunable degradability and mechanical properties by supercritical CO2. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2024, 223, 110732.
8. Jie Yuan, Kun Xue, Xiulu Gao, Yichong Chen, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Green preparation of biodegradable poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) foam modified with bio-based epoxidized cardanol using supercritical fluid foaming. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2024, 214, 106391.
9. Zheng Gong, Weijie Li, Yichong Chen, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Effect of long-chain branching structures on supercritical CO2 foaming behavior of iPB-1 with different crystalline form ratios. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024, 141(25): e55525.
10. Peiying Yue, Yichong Chen, Yu Huang, Yuanwei Wang, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Green preparation of lightweight and elastic thermoplastic polyamide/polyester elastomer composite foams using supercritical CO2. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2024, 205, 106151.
11. Dongdong Hu, Yanyan Zhang, Xiongfeng Lai, Weijie Li, Wenbo Yuan, Qi Wang, Menglong Xu*, Ling Zhao*. Regulating Porous Structure of Dual-Percolation Polybutene-1 (PB)/Poly (ethylene-co-octene)(POE)/Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Composites for Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performance. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2024, 6(12):7102-7112.
12. Dongdong Hu, Peiying Yue, Yu Huang, Yuanwei Wang, Yichong Chen*, Ling Zhao*. Cell Structure Variation of Long-Chain Branched Polyether Block Amide Regulated by Crystallization Behavior. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63 (38):16622-16633.
13. Weijie Li, Zheng Gong, Kaiwen Wu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Effect of crystalline transformation on supercritical CO2 foaming and cell morphology of isotactic polybutene-1. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2023, 74, 102546.
14. Xiulu Gao, Huan Qian, Yichong Chen, Yujia Hui, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Preparation of low density microcellular thermoplastic polyurethane with high compression properties based on micro-phase separation structure. Polymer, 2023, 289, 12648.
15. Zheng Gong, Peiying Yue, Yichong Chen, Weijie Li, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Structure-tunable polyether block amide/polylactic acid foams with shape memory performance using supercritical CO2 foaming. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2023, 203, 106090.
16. Chengguang Wang, Menglong Xu, Yichong Chen, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*.Controllable cell structures of poly (ether-block-amide) foams via isothermal melt crystallization-foaming in supercritical CO2. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2023, 201, 106030.
17. Kun Xue, Peng Chen, Can Yang, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Low-shrinkage biodegradable PBST/PBS foams fabricated by microcellular foaming using CO2 & N2 as co-blowing agents. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2022, 206, 110182.
18. Xiulu Gao,Yichong Chen, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Supercritical CO2 foaming of thermoplastic polyurethane composite: simultaneous simulation of cell nucleation and growth coupling in situ visualization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61(36): 13474-13487.
19. Xiulu Gao, Yichong Chen, Peng Chen, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao, Dongdong Hu*. Supercritical CO2 foaming and shrinkage resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane/modified magnesium borate whisker composite. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 57: 101887.
20. Peng Chen, Xiulu Gao, Ling Zhao, Zhimei Xu, Naixiang Li, Xiaohu Pan, Junming Dai, Dongdong Hu*. Preparation of biodegradable PBST/PLA microcellular foams under supercritical CO2: Heterogeneous nucleation and anti-shrinkage effect of PLA. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2022, 197, 109844.
21. Dongdong Hu, Xiulu Gao, Wei Qiang, Yichong Chen, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. Effect of additives on the dynamic bubble growth behavior of polymer foam evaluated with in-situ visualizations and simulations. Polymer Testing, 2022, 105, 107419
22. Dongdong Hu, Xiulu Gao, Wei Qiang, Liyun Cui, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. Formation mechanism of bi-modal cell structure polystyrene foams by synergistic effect of CO2-philic additive and co-blowing agent. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2022, 181, 105498.
23. Dongdong Hu, Weijie Li, Kaiwen Wu, Liyun Cui, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. Utilization of supercritical CO2 for controlling the crystal phase transition and cell morphology of isotactic polybutene-1 foams. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 66,102265.
24. Dongdong Hu, Kun Xue, Zhen Liu, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. The essential role of PBS on PBAT foaming under supercritical CO2 toward green engineering. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 60, 101965.