
电话:021-64251005, 18917102386
1985.09-1989.07 华东化工学院,无机化工专业,工学学士
1993.09-1999.02 华东理工大学,化学工艺专业,工学博士
2004.03-至今 华东理工大学 教育部大型工业反应器工程研究中心,教授/主任
2001.09-2004.02 华东理工大学 化学工程与技术博士后流动站,副教授/博士后
1989.07—2001.09 曲阜师范大学 化学系,副教授/副主任
1) Fan Yang, Jie Zhong, Xiaohui Liu*, Xuedong Zhu* A novel catalytic alkylation process of syngas with benzene over the cerium modified platinum supported on HZSM-5 zeolite, Applied Energy, (226):22-30 (2018)
2) Yang Ni, Donghai Wang, Yong Jiang, Yanping Gao, Xuedong Zhu*, Haijiao Zhang*, Raspberry- like monodispersity ZnO microspheres for photodegradation of rhodamine B. Materials Research Bulletin, (99):37-44 (2018)
3) Xing Lanyu, Wei Zhenhao, Wen Zhenhao, Zhu Xuedong*. Catalytic study for methanol aromatization over hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite synthesized by kaolin [J]. Petroleum Science & Technology, (9):1-6 (2017)
4) Wei Zhenhao, Zhu Kake, Xing Lanyu, Yang Fan, Li Yunsheng, Xu Yarong, Zhu Xuedong*. Steam-assisted transformation of natural kaolin to hierarchical ZSM-11 using tetrabutylphosphonium hydroxide as structure-directing agent: synthesis, structural characterization and catalytic performance in the methanol-to-aromatics reaction [J]. RSC Advances, 7:24015-24021(2017)
5) Wei, Zhenhao,Chen, Lifang,Cao, Qingsheng,Wen, Zhenhao,Zhou, Zhuo,Xu, Yarong,Zhu, Xuedong*. Steamed Zn/ZSM-5 catalysts for improved methanol aromatization with high stability,Fuel Processing technology, (162),7:66-77(2017)
6) Rui Zhang, Zhenchuan Yu, Lei Wang, Qizhe Shen, Xiaoyan Hou, Xuhong Guo,Junwei Wang, Xuedong Zhu*, and Yuan Yao*, Selective Adsorption and Separation of Organic Dyes with Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Compressed Carbon Dioxide, Chem. Eur. J., 23, 1-9 (2017)
7) Wen, Zhenhao ,Xia, Tengfei,Liu, Minghui,Zhu, Kake,Zhu, Xuedong* ,Methane formation mechanism in methanol to hydrocarbon process: A periodic density functional theory study,Catalysis Communications,2016,75(1):45-49。
8) Zhenhao Wei, Tengfei Xia, Minghui Liu, Qingsheng Cao, Yarong Xu, Kake Zhu, Xuedong Zhu*,Alkaline modification of ZSM-5 catalysts for methanol aromatization: The effect of the alkaline concentration, Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2015, 9(4): 450–460, DOI 10.1007/s11705-015-1542-2
9) Wang, Donghai ,Zhang, Haijiao,Guo, Jingxin,Xu, Huijuan,Zhu,Xuedong*,Jiao, Zheng,Template-free fabrication of rattle-type TiO2 hollow microspheres with superior photocatalytic performance,RSC Advances,2014,4(70):37311-37319。 2) Q. Zhang, X. Zhu*, H. Kameyama, et al, Numerical investigations on the development of plate reformers: Comparison of different assignments of the chambers, AIChE Journal, 2008, 54, 2702-2716
10) H Zhang, Q He, X Zhu*, et al. Surfactant-free solution phase synthesis of monodispersed SnO2 hierarchical nanostructures and gas sensing properties, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14: 3169-3176, DOI: 10.1039/c2ce06558d
11) Haijiao Zhang,Guidong Du,Wenqi Lu,Lingli Cheng, Xuedong Zhu*. Porous TiO2 hollow nanospheres: synthesis, characterization and enhanced photocatalytic properties, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14: 3793-3801, DOI: 10.1039/c2ce06731e
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21776076,TNU-9分子筛催化苯-甲醇烷基化的择型与构效关系研究,2018/01-2021/12,64万元
2. 国家经信委绿色制造项目,高效催化剂研发及抗氧剂关键工艺绿色化突破,2018/06-2020/12,120万元
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,20576040,超高温煤气化的煤种选择准则及熔渣流动特性的基础研究,2006/01-2008/12,25万元
4. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,21446003,基于介孔TNU-9分子筛的苯-甲醇烷基化催化剂构筑与择形机制研究,2015/01-2015/12,10万元
5. 教育部博士点基金面上项目,20130074110018,新结构多级孔分子筛的合成及其在苯与甲醇烷基化中的催化机理研究,2014/01-2016/12,12万元
6. 中国石油天然气集团公司科技项目,A400-41422,苯甲醇烷基化催化剂、反应工艺与工程放大研究,2014/08-2016/07,145万元
7 中国石油化工股份有限公司项目,414074,甲烷合成新型反应器开发及中试研究,2014.01-2015.12,120万元