发布时间:2016-04-20 访问次数:4158 作者: |

姓名: 李科晶 职称: 讲师 电话:021-64253361 E-mail: kejing.li@ecust.edu.cn 教育背景: 2005/08-2010/05,美国阿拉巴马大学,化学工程,博士 2001/09-2005/06,江南大学,化学工程与工艺,学士 工作经历: 2014/07-至今,华东理工大学,化工学院,讲师 2012/08-2014/05,美国麻省理工学院,材料处理中心,博士后 2011/01-2012/07,美国科罗拉多矿业大学,化学与生物工程系,博士后 2010/07-2010/12,美国阿拉巴马大学,化学系,博士后 研究方向: 重油;油田化学品;非牛顿流体;表界面化学 代表性论文: 李科晶*,方波. 自制实验视频在流变学教学中的应用实践. 化工高等教育,2020(6):116-119. 罗炎生, 方波*, 卢拥军, 邱晓惠,管保山,李科晶. 耐高温压裂液研究进展. 油田化学, 2018, 35(3):169-173. 吴本芳*, 吴一昊, 方波, 李科晶, 高晋生,吴东,徐承中. 高凝原油用聚合物型降凝剂的制备及其降凝机理. 精细石油化工, 2017, 34(6):45-50. K. Li*, C.A. Dawydiak. Chemistry and transport of potassium during the non-steady state of syenite leaching. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2017, 81(1):29~40. J. Chen, B. Fang*, H. Jin, L. Yu, M. Tian, K. Li, L. Jin, M. Yang. Potorheologically reversible micelle composed of polymerizable cationic surfactant and 4-phynylazo benzoic acid. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24(2):289-292. M. Tian, B. Fang*, L. Jin, Y. Lu, X. Qiu, H. Jin, K. Li. Rheological and drag reduction properties of hydroxylpropyl xanthan gum solutions. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23(9):1440-1446. K. Li, M. Vasiliu, C.R. McAlpin, Y. Yang, D.A. Dixon, K.J. Voorhees, M. Batzle, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. Further insights into the structure and chemistry of the Gilsonite asphaltene from a combined theoretical and experimental approach. Fuel, 2015, 157, 16-20. K. Li, B.A. Akeredolu, A. Renehan, M. Batzle, R. Evans, J. Dorgan, Y. Yang, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. Correlation of chemistry and rheological properties for Alaskan heavy oil. Fuel, 2013, 103, 843–849. K. Li, C.R. McAlpin, B.A. Akeredolu, A. Bazyleva, K.J. Voorhees, M. Batzle, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. A rheological and chemical investigation of Canadian heavy oils from the McMurray formation. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(7):4445-4453. K. Li, S. Li, N. Li, T.M. Klein*, D.A. Dixon*. Tetrakis(ethylmethylamido) hafnium adsorption and reaction on hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115(38):18560-18571. K. Li, L. Zhang, D.A. Dixon, T.M. Klein*. Undulating topography effects on the HfO2 thin film growth in a horizontal MOCVD reactor. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(11):2989-2996. K. Li, S. Li, N. Li, D. A. Dixon, T. M. Klein*. Tetrakis(dimethylamido) hafnium adsorption and reaction on hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(33):14061-14075. C.L. Platt*, N. Li, K. Li, T.M. Klein. Atomic layer deposition of HfO2: Growth initiation study on metallic underlayers. Thin Solid Films, 2010, 518(15):4081-4086. K. Li, S. Dubey, H. Bhandari, Z. Hu, C.H. Turner, T.M. Klein*. In situ attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of hafnium (IV) tert butoxide adsorption onto hydrogen terminated Si (100) and Si (111). Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2007, 25, 1389-1394.
科研项目: 1. 高温压裂液稠化剂合成与特性表征,国家科技重大专项项目任务,2017.1-2020.12,参与。 2. 重油胶质组分分析及流变性质关联研究,教育部中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金, 2015.1-2017.12,主持。 3. 国产重油组分测定与流变性质的关联研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2015.1-2016.12,主持。 4. 上海高校教师产学研践习计划项目,2015.9-2016.9,主持。