发布时间:2016-04-19 访问次数:9702 作者: |

姓名:许海涛副教授、硕士生导师 地址:华东理工大学12楼409室 Email:xuhaitao@ecust.edu.cn
【个人简介】 教育背景 1999年9月—2002年7月中国科学技术大学理学博士 1996年9月—1999年7月中国科学技术大学理学硕士 工作经历 2009年7月—至今华东理工大学副教授 2007年7月—2009年6月日本学术振兴会(九州大学)特别研究员 2005年7月—2007年6月同济大学副教授 2004年7月—2005年6月同济大学讲师 2002年8月—2004年7月清华大学博士后
【社会兼职】 中国化学会会员 上海市净水技术学会会员
【研究方向】 金属有机骨架设计调控与孔结构精准吸附分离微电子化工 纳米金属复合金属有机骨架协同催化碳氧化物转化 MOFs膜分隔ZSM-5和金属纳米晶双功能电子通讯构造及CO2转化液态燃料
【承担项目】 国家自然科学基金(面上No 21371058) 教育部留学回国人员启动基金 中钞企业横向项目子课题 学校青年基金 重点实验室开放课题
【主要成果】 近年来在MOFs材料、膜技术和纳米催化方面从事研究工作,积累了一定的基础,相关结果在国际学术期刊:Small, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Nano Res, J Catal, Chem Commun, Micropor Mesopor Mat, CrystEngComm, ChemPlusChem 等发表40余篇SCI论文,中国专利5项。 许海涛,苟永霞,叶静“一种降解有机染料CuMOFs催化剂的制备方法”: 中国专利 201510354928.4 (2015/06/26) (授权) 许海涛,崔相茹,苟永霞“一种降解有机染料的Fe-MOFs催化剂的制备方法”: 中国专利201510363333.5 (2015/07/001)(授权) 许海涛,叶静,苟永霞,韩瑜,王晓晓,李岩松“一种降解有机染料的金属有机骨架CoMOFs催化剂的制备方法”: 中国专利 201510266426.6 (2015/05/26) 许海涛,叶静,郑治中“一种降解有机染料的MOFs催化剂Cu(3-bpdh)(TDA)的制备方法”: 中国专利 201510635126.0 (2015/10/09 ) 许海涛,崔相茹“一种降解有机染料的Co(bpd)(HIA)催化剂的制备方法”: 中国专利201510635192.8 (2015/10/09)
【近年来发表的代表性论文】 Yuqun Su, Haitao Xu,* Jiajia Wang, Xikuo Luo, Zhen-liang Xu, Kefu Wang, and Wenzhong Wang “Nanorattle Au@PtAg encapsulated in ZIF-8 for enhancing CO2 photoreduction to CO” Nano Research 2019, 12(3), 625–630 Quqing Han, Haitao Xu,* Yuqun Su, Zhen-liang Xu, Kefu Wang, Wenzhong Wang “Noble metal (Pt, Au@Pd) nanoparticles supported on metal organic framework (MOF-74) nanoshuttles as high-selectivity CO2 conversion catalysts” Journal of Catalysis 2019, 370, 70–78. Xi Zhao, Haitao Xu,* XiaoXiao Wang, Zhizhong Zheng, Zhenliang Xu, and Jianping Ge “Monodisperse Metal-Organic Framework Nanospheres with Encapsulated Core-Shell Nanoparticles Pt/Au@Pd@{Co2(oba)4(3-3 bpdh)2}4H2O for the Highly Selective Conversion of CO2 to CO” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 15096-15103. Zhizhong Zheng, Haitao Xu,* Zhenliang Xu, and Jianping Ge “A Monodispersed Spherical Zr-Based Metal–Organic Framework Catalyst, Pt/Au@Pd@UIO-66, Comprising an Au@Pd Core–Shell Encapsulated in a UIO-66 Center and Its Highly Selective CO2 Hydrogenation to Produce CO” Small 2018, 14, 1702812DOI: 10.1002/smll.201702812 Yu Han, Yuanyuan Li, Xiaoxiao Wang, Yansong Li, Haitao Xu*, Siyan Chen, Zhen-liang Xu “Influence of metal ions on the selective catalytic oxidation properties of isostructural MOFs” Inorganica Chimica Acta 471 (2018) 176–179 Haitao Xu,* Yansong Li, Xikuo Luo, Zhenliang Xu and Jianping Ge * “Monodispersed gold nanoparticles supported on a zirconium-based porous metal–organic framework and their high catalytic ability for the reverse water–gas shift reaction” Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 7953–7956. Jiajia Wang, Yuqing Han, Haitao Xu,* Zhen-Liang Xu, Microporous assembly and shape control of a new Zn metal–organic framework: Morphology-dependent catalytic performance Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 2018; 32: e4097 Jiajia Wang, Xiaoxiao Wang, Haitao Xu,* Xi Zhao, Zhizhong Zheng, and Zhen-liang Xu “A Zinc(II) Porous Metal–Organic Framework and Its Morphologically Controlled Catalytic Properties in the Knoevenagel Condensation Reaction” ChemPlusChem 2017, 82, 1182 – 1187. Yuanyuan Li, Yuqun Su, Jing Xu, Zhen-liang Xu, and Haitao Xu* Shape-Controlled Micro-Crystals of Chain-Like Zn(II) Coordination Polymer [Zn(NIA)EDA]£ and Its Catalytic Performance” Bulletin of The Chemical Society of Japan 2017, 90, 1152–1156. Xiaoxiao Wang, Haitao Xu,* Yu Han, Yansong Li, Chen Sheng, Zhenliang Xu, Jieyu Xu, Mengyan Wang “Selective catalytic properties determined by the molecular skeleton: Two new isostructural coordination polymers[{M(H2O)5}2(l-4-bpdh)(oba)]1 (M = Co, Ni)” Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017, 461, 15–20. Yu Han, Haitao Xu,* Xiaoxiao Wang, Yansong Li, Siyan Chen, Zhen-liang Xu “Selective catalytic properties of new microporous cobalt metal-organic frameworks controlled by their structural topologies” Materials letters 2016, 184, 73–77. Haitao Xu*, Yongxia Gou, Jing Ye, Zhen-liang Xu, Zixuan Wang “Selectively catalytic activity of metal–organic frameworks depending on the N-position within the pyridine ring of their building blocks” Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2016, 237, 323–329. Jing Ye, Haitao Xu*, Jingsi Qiu, Zhen-Liang Xu “Layered Metal–Organic Framework [Zn2(bpda)(chdc)2]µ for Aqueous Encapsulation and Sensitization of Visible-emitting Rare-earth Cations” Materials letters 2016, 168, 203-206. Jing Ye, Haitao Xu*, Xiaoqi Li, Zhen-Liang Xu “New Metal–Organic Frameworks constructed by 2,5-bis(3-pyridyl)-3,4-diaza-2,4-hexadiene and the dicarboxylic Ligands: Enhanced Photocatalytic Effect” Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2016, 66, 36-40. Jing Ye, Yongxia Gou, Zhen-Liang Xu, Haitao Xu* “Selectively Catalytic Micro- and Nanocrystals of Metal–Organic Framework [Co(4-bpdh)(HIA)]µ” Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2015,226,142–146. Jing Ye, Xiaoqi Li, Zhen-liang Xu, Haitao Xu* “Cobalt(II) Metal–Organic Framework Micro-Nanoparticles: Molecular Self-Assembly from Layers to Micropores Showing the Conjunctive Orientation of Carboxyl Groups”Journal of molecular structure 2015, 1093, 162–165. Xu Haitao*, Xu Zhenliang,Osamu Sato*.“Water-Switching of Spin Crossover in a Gold Cluster Supramolecular System: From Metal-Organic Frameworks to Catenane”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2014.197.72–76. Qingxiang Meng, Jing Ye, Zheng-liang Xu, Haitao Xu* “Selectively catalytic pastry-shape micro-crystals: a new linear metal-organic framework with [Cu(NO3)2(bpd)(DMF)] ” Materials letters 2014, 116, 378–381. Xu Haitao, Xu Zhenliang. “A Microporous Coordination Polymer of 2,6-Naphthalenedicarboxylate and Cobalt(II) Showing Reversible Structural and Functional Transformation” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2012, 157, 33–36. Haitao Xu, Osamu Sato, Zhihua Li, and Jianping Ma “A thermally reversible photoinduced magnetic trinuclear complex [Cu2(bpmen)2][MoIV(CN)8]∙8H2O” Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2012, 15, 311–313. Xu Haitao, GergelyJuhasz, KazunariYoshizawa, MasashiTakahashi, ShinjiKanegawa and Osamu sato. “Mixed-metal complex [Fe(bipe)(Au(CN)2)2×MeOH] with gold clusters: a novel two-dimensional polyrotaxane net clipped by aurophilic interaction”. CrystEngComm. 2010, 12, 4031–4034. Xu Haitao, Li Zhihua. “Microporous rare-earth coordination polymers constructed 3 by 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2008, 115, 522–526.