欧洲科学院院士Krijn P. de Jong教授的学术报告 |
报告题目:Effects of Size, Location and Support on Nanoparticles in Catalysis 报告日期:2018-11-13下午14:00-16:00 报告地点:商学院新大楼401室 报 告 人:欧洲科学院院士Krijn P. de Jong教授 主办单位:化学工程联合国家重点实验室 备注:Nanoscale effects discussed in this lecture involve those of (i) particle size in supported catalysts, (ii) spatial distribution of nanoparticles in mono- and bi-functional catalysts and (iii) metal-support interactions. Particle size effects have been reported for supported metal catalysts in a wide range of processes. Examples comprise cobalt [1], iron [2] and nickel [3] nanoparticles the sizes of which affect the activity, selectivity and stability in synthesis gas conversion reactions. For supported copper and copper-zinc catalysts, we have found that the surface-specific activity for methanol synthesis drops for particles smaller than 7 nm [4]. The spatial distribution at nanoscale of particles in supported catalysts is important for their performance. Catalyst stability of copper [5] and cobalt [6] catalysts was shown to be controlled by the proximity of the nanoparticles. Furthermore, we have reported striking effects of the nanoscale distribution of the metal in bifunctional hydrocracking catalysts on selectivity for hydrocarbon conversions [7]. The interaction of the metal nanoparticles with different supports has been studied and tuned using reduction-oxidation-reduction (ROR) treatments. For Co-based FT catalysts effects of the support on TOF and of ROR on the number of active sites are revealed [8]. Finally, in situ TEM studies relevant to catalyst preparation are discussed. References
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