Peter Halley教授的学术报告 |
Title: Modified starch polymers and blends for packaging, industrial and biomedical applications 课题:新型改性高分子聚合物及其在包装,工业和生物医学领域的应用 时间: 2017年3月10日周五 13:30-14:30 地点:实验十六楼110 Abstract: This talk will highlight developments of bio based polymers at UQ. Specifically it aims to highlight that bio based polymers can be processed and have properties like conventional polymers, can be tailored to higher value, smarter applications and in this tailoring you must examine the sustainability of the entire product lifecycle rather than just biodegradability or end-use. 摘要: 本次演讲将重点介绍昆士兰大学在生物基高分子聚合物研究发展情况。着重介绍我们近期在生物基高分子聚合物的一些新的研究与认识: 它们不仅可以像常规聚合物一样进行加工,而且可以赋予材料体系更高附加价,具有更智能的应用。在对新型改性高分子聚合物的研发过程中,我们也充分认识到我们关注的重点应不仅仅限于生物降解性或最终使用,而是整个产品生命周期的可持续性。 Bio: Professor Peter Halley is the Head of the University Of Queensland School Of Chemical Engineering. His research is in the area of sustainable, bio-based materials and polymers, and he operates at the translational research interface between universities and industry. He is a professor in chemical engineering, a chief investigator in the Queensland Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM) Centre, an affiliate professor in the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) as well as a Fellow of both the Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. 个人简介: Peter Halley教授是昆士兰大学化学工程系系主任。他的研究方向主要是生物基高分子聚合物的可持续开发应用,特长是进行从大学到工业技术转化的的研发。他是化学工程教授,昆士兰高级材料加工和制造(AMPAM)中心的首席研究员,澳大利亚生物工程与纳米技术研究所(AIBN)的兼职教授,以及化学工程师协会和澳大利亚皇家化学研究学会成员。More information about Professor Halley:
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