法国教授--Christophe A. SERRA的学术报告
发布人: 管理员 发布时间: 2016-10-17 作者: 访问次数: 478







Development of microfluidic processes for the preparation of feature-controlled polymer micro- and nanoparticles



Christophe. A. Serra

Precision Macromolecular Chemistry group (PMC)

Charles Sadron Institute (ICS) - UPR 22 CNRS

European Engineering School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science (ECPM)

University of Strasbourg (UniStra), France.

Email: ca.serra@unistra.fr


Most conventional processes for the production of polymer particles imply heterogeneous polymerization processes (emulsion, suspension) or precipitation processes in a non-solvent. Although these processes lead to polymer particles having a different size domain, the size is very sensible to the operating parameters and cannot readily be adjusted, not to mention the large particle size distribution which is often observed. Recently, microfluidic processes have been considered because of their unique capacity to generate micro and nanodroplets with a very narrow size distribution. Thus, if the dispersed phase is composed of a polymerizable liquid, it is possible to obtain polymer particles with well-defined characteristics like size, shape and morphology. Here we present our latest developments on microfluidic processes for the production of sized-, composition- and morphology-controlled polymer micro and nanoparticles.


Capillary-based flow-focusing and co-flow microsystems were developed to produce polymer microparticles of adjustable sizes (50 to 600 µm) with a narrow size distribution (CV<5%) while colloidal suspensions of highly monodisperse size-controlled polymer nanoparticles (60 nm and above) were obtained by means of elongational-flow or nanoprecipitation microsystems. Particles had different shapes (spheres, rods) and morphologies (core-shell, Janus, capsules). Influence of operating conditions (flow rate of the different fluids, microsystem characteristic dimensions and design) as well as material parameters (viscosity of the different fluids, surface tension) was investigated. Empirical relationships were thus derived from experimental data to predict particle overall size, shell thickness or rods length.

Besides the morphology, we will also present particles with various compositions and will emphasize their potential applications: drug loaded micro and nanoparticles for new drug delivery strategies, composed inorganic-organic multiscale and multidomain microparticles for sensorics and liquid crystalline elastomer microparticles showing an anisotropic reversible shape change upon temperature for thermal actuators or artificial muscles.




Christophe A. SERRAis Professor at the University of Strasbourg teaching at the European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science (ECPM). He received his MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the National Engineering School of the Chemical Industries (Nancy) and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse), respectively. His researches concern the development of intensified and integrated microfluidic-assisted polymer processes for the synthesis of architecture-controlled polymers and functional polymer micro- and nanoparticles.