2024/9 - 至 今,华东理工大学,化工学院,特聘副研究员
2022/1 - 2024/8,华东理工大学,化工学院,博士后
2016/9 - 2022/1,华东理工大学,化工学院,博士(硕博连读)
2012/9 - 2016/7,华东理工大学,化工学院,学士
1.2024年全国颠覆性技术创新大赛 优胜奖(第2完成人)
2.2023年第二十四届中国专利奖 优秀奖(第2完成人)
3.2022年第二届上海市博士后创新创业大赛 优胜奖
4.2022年第八届中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛 国赛铜奖/市赛金奖
5.2021年第八届创青春中国青年创新创业大赛 国赛银奖
6.2020年第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛 国赛银奖/市赛金奖
7.2020年第六届中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛 国赛铜奖/市赛金奖
8.2019年第一届SCIP+绿色化学化工创新创业大赛 一等奖
《American Journal of Chemical Engineering》编委
1. Wenyu Zhong, Dongdong Hu, Yichong Chen*, Ling Zhao*. Microwave-assisted Physical Foaming of Polymers: A Review. Polymer Reviews, 2024, 64(4): 1136-1175.
2. Wenyu Zhong, Dongdong Hu, Xingyu Jia, Yu Huang, Yuanwei Wang, Ke Lei, Xiulei Jiang, Jiabao Yu, Yichong Chen*, Ling Zhao*. A novel semi-continuous preparation mode of ultra-low density thermoplastic polyurethane foam. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 481: 148402.
3. Xingyu Jia, Wenyu Zhong, Yichong Chen*, Dongdong Hu, Jiayang Sun, Yao Peng, Jiabao Yu, Xiulei Jiang, Ling Zhao*. Density Gradient Structure Foams Prepared by Novel Two-step Foaming Strategy: Performance, Simulation and Optimization. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024, 111890.
4. Yichong Chen, Wenyu Zhong, Xingyu Jia, Dongdong Hu*, Jiayang Sun, Yao Peng, Jiabao Yu, Xiulei Jiang, Huifeng Wang, Ling Zhao*. Microcellular Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) with Multimodal Cell Structure Fabricated Based on Pressure Swing Strategy and Its Compressive Mechanical Properties. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63(19): 8833-8845.
5. Wenyu Zhong, Jiabao Yu, Nemin Yang, Dongdong Hu, Yichong Chen*, Chuanjie Fan, Xiulei Jiang, Ling Zhao*. PS/PPO Foam with Excellent Comprehensive Properties Prepared by Integrated Foaming and Sintering Strategy with Microwave-assisted. Composites Communications, 2024, 48: 101925.
6. Jiabao Yu1, Yichong Chen1, *, Wenyu Zhong, Dongdong Hu, Xingyu Jia, Jiayang Sun, Yi Jiang, Xiulei Jiang, Huifeng Wang, Ling Zhao*. Microcellular long-chain branched polyphenylene oxide (PPO) with excellent comprehensive properties and comprehensive analysis of its dielectric properties. European Polymer Journal, 2024, 214: 113157.
7. Yanfei Zhao, Yichong Chen*, Dongdong Hu, Wenyu Zhong, Jiayang Sun, Xingyu Jia, Ling Zhao*. Structural Regulation of Microcellular Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer (TLCP) with Low Dielectric Properties during Supercritical Fluid Foaming Process. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2024, 26: 202400039.
8. Wenyu Zhong, Dongdong Hu, Yichong Chen*, Ling Zhao*. Second cell growth optimized by heating mode during two-step supercritical CO2 foaming polymer process. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 281: 119110.
9. Yichong Chen, Jiabao Yu, Yijie Ling, Shun Yao, Xiulei Jiang, Dongdong Hu, Huifeng Wang, Ling Zhao*. Comprehensive analysis of mechanical properties of microcellular polypropylene: Experiment and simulation. Polymer Testing, 2022, 116: 107812.
10.Yichong Chen, Shun Yao, Yijie Ling, Wenyu Zhong, Dongdong Hu, Ling Zhao*. Microcellular PETs with high expansion ratio produced by supercritical CO2 molding compression foaming process and their mechanical properties. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022 24(3): 2101124.
11.Yichong Chen, Dongyang Li, Hong Zhang, Yijie Ling, Kaiwen Wu, Tao Liu, Dongdong Hu, Ling Zhao*. Antishrinking strategy of microcellular thermoplastic polyurethane by comprehensive modeling analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021 60(19): 7155-7166.
12.Yichong Chen, Chengzhi Xia, Tao Liu, Dongdong Hu, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. Application of a CO2 pressure swing saturation strategy in PP semi-solid-state batch foaming: evaluation of foamability by experiments and numerical simulations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(11): 4924-4935.
13.Yichong Chen, Chen Wan, Tao Liu*, Zheqi Chen, Yida Qiao, Jiawei Lu, Junyu Yan, Ling Zhao, Mohamed Esseghir. Evaluation of LLDPE/LDPE blend foamability by in situ rheological measurements and bubble growth simulations. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192: 488-498.