发布时间:2019-03-04 访问次数:751 作者: |
化学工程与技术(学科代码:0817) 2017年4月修订 化学工程与技术一级学科是国家重点学科,上海市重中之重学科。建有化学工程联合国家重点实验室、生物反应器工程国家重点实验室、国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术研究中心、国家超细粉末工程研究中心、国家生化工程技术研究中心(上海)、结构可控先进功能材料及其制备教育部重点实验室、资源(盐湖)过程工程教育部工程研究中心、教育部大型工业反应器工程中心等,2008年进入国家“煤的清洁高效利用与石油化工关键技术”985优势学科创新平台行列。有一支由中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士、973首席科学家、863领域(主题)专家、跨/新世纪优秀人才等领衔的优秀导师队伍。
二、学制和学习年限 硕士生的学制为2.5年,学习年限不超过5年,课程学习学分有效期自研究生入学开始为5年。
三、二级学科方向 1.化学工程 2.化学工艺 3.应用化学 4.工业催化 5.生物化工
四、课程学习 1. 本学科硕士生应完成不少于26学分的课程学习,一般在入学后的第一学年内完成。 2. 研究生课程学习实行学分制。数学和专业核心课程不及格的研究生,可在学制内参加重考或重修相同性质的课程;参加重考或重修的研究生必须经选课后取得考试资格,重考与他届研究生同卷同堂进行,不再另行安排。数学和专业核心课程重考或重修不合格累积6学分及以上者,按退学处理。
五、中期检查 1. 硕士生中期检查在第3学期初进行,由学生所在学院负责。 2. 中期检查前必须完成本学科所规定的课程并获得相应学分。 3. 中期检查的内容包括课程学习的学分和成绩、参加学术活动情况和开题报告等。考核前必须完成至少两次文献分析报告,通过实验技能考核。 4. 开题报告:硕士生应首先搜集有关文献资料并进行实际调查,把握学科发展前沿,重视文献知识产权,写好文献综述,在此基础上,写出开题报告,并在硕士点导师组统一安排的开题报告会上作公开报告、答辩,经审核通过者方可进入学位论文工作。
六、论文发表 论文发表要求由各分学位委员会制订。
七、学位论文与学位授予 学位论文是硕士生基础理论知识和科学研究能力的具体体现,是硕士生培养质量的重要标志。研究生从事学位论文的工作内容及其所产生成果的知识产权属华东理工大学,与外单位联合培养研究生或联合开展毕业论文的,根据合作合同判定。学位论文的评阅、答辩和学位申请与授予等工作按《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》和《华东理工大学学位授予工作细则》的规定进行。 华东理工大学化学工程与技术一级学科硕士研究生课程设置表 ( 26学分,4个学习单元内完成) 课程编号 | 课程名称 | 学位课 | 必修/选修 | 学时/学分 | 学习单元 | 任课教师 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1.公共课 ,≥4 credits | 006M0701FFA001 | 数值方法 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 廖杰 | 006M0701FFA002 | 最优化方法 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 苏纯洁 | 006M0701FFA003 | 统计计算 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 钱夕元 | 022M0817FFA001 | 汉语 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | 于涛 | 2.专业课 ,≥20 credits | 001M0817FFB001 | 实验设计与数据处理 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | | √ | | | | | 吕慧 | 001M0817FFB002 | 高等分离工程 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | | √ | | | | | 许振良 | 001M0817FFB003 | 高等化工热力学 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 赵双良 | 001M0817FFB004 | 高等反应工程 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 刘涛 | 001M0817FFB005 | 化工流体力学 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 杨晓刚 | 001M0817FFC001 | 能源化学工程 | 学位课 | 选修 | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 郭旭虹 | 001M0817FFC002 | 化工过程强化技术 | 学位课 | 选修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 漆志文 | 002M0817FFB119 | 现代仪器分析实验技术 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 王灵芝,邢明阳 | 002M0817FFB120 | 催化剂表征 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 王艳芹,王幸宜 | 002M0817FFB121 | 催化原理 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 龚学庆,胡培君 | 002M0817FFB122 | 功能材料 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 朱为宏,陈新 | 002M0817FFB123 | 高等分析化学 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 张凌怡 | 002M0817FFB124 | 高分子化学 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 张伟安,刘峰 | 002M0817FFB125 | 高等有机化学 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 伍新燕,邹刚,马海燕,王成云 | 003M0710FFC001 | 分子免疫学 | 学位课 | 选修 | 32/2 | | | √ | | | | | | 马昱澍,奕栋 | 003M0817FFB001 | 生物大分子分析方法 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 史萍,王天文,周利 | 003M0817FFB002 | 生物分离工程 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 曹学君,万俊芬 | 003M0817FFB003 | 生物催化与酶工程 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 全舒,郁惠蕾 | 003M0817FFB004 | 生物反应工程 | 学位课 | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 夏建业,杭海峰 | 003M0817FFC001 | 生物质能源过程工程 | 学位课 | 选修 | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | 鲍杰,张建 | 003M0817FFC002 | 组织工程原理 | 学位课 | 选修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 叶朝阳,谭文松 | 3.学术讲座 ,≥2 credits | 001M0817FFD001 | 学术讲座 | | 必修 | 32/2 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | | | 刘殿华 |
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
| (Discipline Code:0817)
| April 2017 |
| The degree discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology is a national key discipline, and a top priority discipline in Shanghai. The discipline boasts of state key labs of chemical engineering and bioreactor engineering, a national research center of engineering and technology for salt lake resources, a national research center of ultrafine powder engineering, a national research center of biochemical engineering and technology, and a ministry of education key lab for advanced materials, a ministry of education research center of resource (salt lake) process engineering, a ministry of education large scale industrial bioreactor engineering center, etc. In 2008, the program was selected as the 985 Project Innovation Platform for “clean and efficient utilization of coal and key technology of petroleum engineering”. The program is led by such excellent advisors as academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, selectees of the 1000 Plan, the 973 Program chief scientists, Yangzi River Scholars, the 863 Program experts, and New Century excellent talents. | (1)Training Objective | The discipline is aimed at fostering students’ ability in keeping abreast of the advancements in chemical and physical processes in all types of processing industries(chemical industry in particular), in meeting the modern chemical industry’s needs for top chemical engineering talents; the graduates are expected to possess the fundamental theories and systematic professional knowledge, the spirit of innovation and team work, and the ability to excel at development, education, and management in the modern chemical industries and some other related fields. | (2)Academic Structure and Program Duration | The duration of program for master students is 2.5-year, with a maximum of 5 years; the course credits are valid for 5 years since the enrollment. | (3)Research fields | 1. Chemical Engineering 2. Chemical Technology 3. Applied Chemistry 4. Industrial Catalysis 5. Biochemical Engineering | | (4)Curriculums | 1. Master students in the program must get at least 26 credits, and usually in the first academic year after the enrollment. 2. The curriculum for master students is based on a credit system. Students who failed in mathematics and professional core courses can have a retake in the exams or some related courses; Students who retake the exams or the courses must obtain the qualification after a course selection, and the make-up examinations will be arranged in the following academic year along with the students of that academic year. No special exams will be arranged. Students who fail over 6 credits after re-taking the exams or courses should quit the program. | (5)Midterm Evaluation | 1. Midterm evaluation of master students will be held in the 3rdsemester, the corresponding colleges should be in charge of the evaluation. 2. All corresponding credits of the required courses have to be acquired before the midterm evolution. 3. Midterm evaluation concerns credits and scores of the courses, attendance of the academic events, and thesis proposal, etc. Students must complete two literature reviews and pass the experiment skill tests before the midterm evaluation. 4. Thesis proposal: master students should first do a literature search and an actual survey, grasp the frontier of the research discipline, pay attention to the intellectual property, write a literature review, and complete a thesis proposal based on the review. Finally, students must report and defend in public in a session arranged by the advisors. Only the students who pass the evaluation can start their thesis proposals. | (6)Publications | The requirements of publications are determined by each individual academic degree committee. | (7)Thesis and Degree Awarding | The thesis reflects the fundamental knowledge and research capabilities of master students. It well indicates the quality of the graduate training program. The intellectual property of the research and achievements involved in the thesis belong to East China University of Science and Technology. In the case of graduate training program or thesis collaborated with other training institutes, the intellectual property will be decided based on the contract. The review of the thesis, defense, and degree application/award and so on will be processed according to “Interim Degree Regulations of the People’s Republic of China” and “Detailed Rules of East China University of Science and Technology on Degree Award”. | Courses for International Master Students in First-level Discipline ofChemical Engineering and Technology, East China University of Science and Technology | (≥26 credits,completed in 4 study units) |
Course code | Course name | Degree course | Obligatory /optional | Class hour /credit | Study unit | Teacher | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1.Public course ,≥4 credits | 006M0701FFA001 | Numerical Methods(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 廖杰 | 006M0701FFA002 | Optimization Methods(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 苏纯洁 | 006M0701FFA003 | Computional Statistics(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 钱夕元 | 022M0817FFA001 | Basic Chinese(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | 于涛 | 2.Professional Courses ,≥20 credits | 001M0817FFB001 | Design of Experiments and Data Analysis in Chemical Engineering(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | | √ | | | | | 吕慧 | 001M0817FFB002 | Advanced Separation Engnieering(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | | √ | | | | | 许振良 | 001M0817FFB003 | Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 赵双良 | 001M0817FFB004 | Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 刘涛 | 001M0817FFB005 | Chemical Engineering Fluid(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 杨晓刚 | 001M0817FFC001 | Energy Chemical Engineering(2013版) | Yes | optional | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 郭旭虹 | 001M0817FFC002 | Intensified Chemical Processes(2013版) | Yes | optional | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 漆志文 | 002M0817FFB119 | Experimental Technology in Moderm Instrumnetal Anslysis(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 王灵芝,邢明阳 | 002M0817FFB120 | Characterization of Catalysts(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 王艳芹,王幸宜 | 002M0817FFB121 | Catalysis Principles(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 龚学庆,胡培君 | 002M0817FFB122 | Functional Materials(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 朱为宏,陈新 | 002M0817FFB123 | Advanced Analysis Chemistry(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 张凌怡 | 002M0817FFB124 | Polymer Chemistry(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 张伟安,刘峰 | 002M0817FFB125 | Advanced Organic Chemistry(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 伍新燕,邹刚,马海燕,王成云 | 003M0710FFC001 | Molecular Immunology(2013版) | Yes | optional | 32/2 | | | √ | | | | | | 马昱澍,奕栋 | 003M0817FFB001 | Analytical Methods of Biomacromolecules(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 史萍,王天文,周利 | 003M0817FFB002 | Bioseparation Engineering(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 曹学君,万俊芬 | 003M0817FFB003 | Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 全舒,郁惠蕾 | 003M0817FFB004 | Advanced Bioreaction Engineering(2013版) | Yes | Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 夏建业,杭海峰 | 003M0817FFC001 | Biomass Process Engineering for Bioenergy Production(2013版) | Yes | optional | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | 鲍杰,张建 | 003M0817FFC002 | Principles of Tissue Engineering(2013版) | Yes | optional | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 叶朝阳,谭文松 | 3.Academic seminars & humanism ,≥2 credits | 001M0817FFD001 | Lectures on Frontier Discipline(2013版) |
| Obligatory | 32/2 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | | | 刘殿华 |